We have been in communication with state officials and compiled the following information/resources to support you all as you manage through the COVID-19 crisis. These are difficult and uncertain times, for sure, but the best and fastest way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and return back to “normal” life is to follow the advised protocol as much as possible!

Thank you to Hennepin County for hosting the Systems of Care Training with Liz Manley at the end of February 2020. It was incredibly informative and offered a very needed baseline understanding of a system of care for providers, families and county employees and leaders.

The Collaborative will host two online gatherings for providers to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on practice and for providers to connect with one another on practice-related issues. We hope to gather the learning and information from these convenings and share back with the provider community, Hennepin County and state partners.

• Saturday, March 21st – PCLG Coffee & Conversation – CANCELLED
• Tuesday, March 24th, 2:30-4p – School-Based Mental Health Committee – Online
• Wednesday, March 25th, 9-10a – Provider Discussion on COVID-19 – ONLINE ONLY ( click to join)